The Brief:
Bedard Creek Acres produces syrups from edible flowers. This is a difficult and expensive process that requires the end product to have a high price tag. This family-run business needed packaging that had a sophisticated gourmet feel, reflecting that price. This would also help get their product into local gourmet food shops, rather than relying strictly on farmers markets.
We needed to rethink how syrups were traditionally packaged – everything from the bottle and cap, to the labelling. Two sizes, and two flavours, were also needed. We developed a unique format that included a bottle wrap, printed on metallic paper, with recipes on the inside. Horticultural drawings were used to show the customer exactly where these syrups come from.
The packaging brought much needed attention to the business, and was featured in The Big Book of Packaging.
My Roles:
concept, design
Other Credits:
Tim Neal - creative direction